Friday, April 27, 2012

Weekly Devotional - April 27, 2012

"...because you know that the testing
of your faith develops perseverance."

James 1:3 NIV
I can't tell you how many times I've had people tell me that they would not pray for perseverance or patience because you end up with tribulations, troubles, trials, and tests. My response is always, "You are guaranteed to have tribulations, troubles, trials, and tests so you better pray for perseverance and patience!" They just misunderstand what the Bible says about these two godly traits.
The two words are similar but not exactly the same. Patience is to refrain from taking action you might later regret. Did your mother ever tell you to count to ten before responding to something someone did to you? That's patience.
Perseverance is putting up with the circumstances without acting negatively. A co-worker might get the promotion but you continue being a good employee. The road ahead may seem to be all uphill and marked with potholes but you stay the course and complete the task. That's perseverance.
And we need both perseverance and patience if we are to live a life of faithful testimony that will draw others to Christ. People are watching believers and they notice how we respond. Are you patient or hot-headed? Do you persevere or give up easily?
Surely perseverance comes from God. Job endured his trials because he was faithful to God. His relationship with God brought about the perseverance Job would need when Satan attacked him. And patience is also from God. Paul says it is a fruit of the Spirit - those qualities that grow in your life as you cultivate a strong relationship with Christ.
Since trials will certainly come and since perseverance and patience are products of walking with the Lord, doesn't it make sense to desire these traits? Pray that God will help you develop perseverance and patience so that you will be a faithful witness when trials come your way.

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