Tuesday, March 04, 2014

How to Argue

I just sat at the dining room table at my in-laws' house and listened to them argue. MIL said to me, "See, we still argue." I thought, "It's better than not having your spouse around to argue with."

So are there any rules on how family members should argue with one another. I googled it and found this article at usatoday.com that I thought was pretty good. I'll share the basics but you can read the entire article here  It's not a long article so please go there.
  1. Have a plan.
  2. Bite your tongue.
  3. Avoid the unanswerable.
  4. Don't blame, abuse, or punish.
  5. Fend of fights.
I've been watching some of the Rocky movies during our snow days. Please, when you argue, don't leave your family member a bloody mess like Rocky and Apollo did to each other. That makes a good movie but not a good home.

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