Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Mornings

How many of you dread Mondays? If that was a question on the old game show "Card Sharks" I would have to say that number would be very high. But a Facebook friend asked why anyone would want to so easily give up on 1/7th of their lives. That's about 15% of every living moment. Rather than dread Mondays, we need to find ways to leverage the day for something good.

Let's take a look at Monday. How do you prepare for the day? Being in church on Sunday would be a great way to prep for Monday. Worship draws us to God. Fellowship binds us with one another. Bible study equips us for the spiritual battles that take such a toll on Monday. If you're not in church on Sunday then what are you doing? Probably focusing upon yourself. That won't prepare you for much. On Monday you'll be expected to focus on the job and other responsibilities that you break from over the weekend. No wonder Mondays are so dreaded - the selfishness you enjoyed on Sunday is ripped away bright and early the next morning. I just think a less selfish Sunday - a more God-centered Sunday - would lessen the stress of Monday.

How do you start Mondays? Sleep as late as possible and hit the snooze button at least once? Now you don't really have time to wake up. Probably don't eat a good breakfast. Let me rephrase that; probably don't eat a breakfast that's good for you! prayer and Bible study? No time for that! So there you go - out the door with your shirttail barely tucked in, and your look even more disheveled on the inside. You may not want to hear this, but you will probably agree with me: give yourself a few extra minutes on Monday morning (any morning) for Bible study, prayer, and a good-for-you breakfast. If you feel better inside and out as you pull out of the driveway, you are bound to have a better day.

I'll not go on with this exercise except to say that when you focus upon God and others, any day and any point in the day will be better. The circumstances may not change much but how you respond and react will change for the better. I challenge you to give it a try. Put God first and see what happens. Maybe your life will suddenly get 15% better!

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