Friday, May 11, 2012

Weekly Devotional - May 11, 2012

"In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit."
Judges 21:25 NIV
Anarchy is a state of disorder because there is no recognized authority. A people - like the United States - would quickly cease to exist with no rule. Civics professors, constitutional lawyers, and political pundits talk about the rule of law by which governments make decisions by applying agreed-upon legal principles. For a people to live in community, there must be laws or rules.
Around your household, the same applies. You have standards of behavior expected of your children. Even the husband and wife have expectations of one another. If everyone did as he saw fit you would have an unhappy household.
Israel was a people in chaos. Just a few generations after settling the Promised Land, they were anarchists. God would raise up a judge to rule them from time to time but they generally did as they saw fit. Each time Israel fell into this state of disarray they would be defeated by the enemy. When they would follow the judge that God set over them they would excel.
Rules provide order and are guidelines for success. Lee Iacocca is credited with turning around the failing Chrysler Corporation in the 1980s. He said, "Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can't miss." His leadership made all the difference for Chrysler.
We can apply this principle to America, your family, our church, and the workplace or school. Orderliness provides the boundaries within which we are free to live. We see the principle in the creation of the world as God created everything out of nothing. All family members are given specific roles for household order. Paul admonishes believers to be orderly in worship.
We have the freedom to do as we see fit but we will live with the consequences. Or we can live in freedom under God's authority. Pray that God will help you experience a full and free life under his authority.

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